
A new way to get better iRacing results certificates

When you win your first race, finish in the top three of a championship or time trial etc, iRacing will automatically award you a certificate that's available to download as a PDF from your profile page. However, these certificates look really dated and haven't been refreshed in years.

Default iRacing Certificate

An enterprising Reddit user came to the rescue by building a website called that creates certificates that look better than the ones from iRacing using your official data drawn from

How to use Podium Papers

The first thing you will need is your Driver ID. iRacing call it your Customer ID, and it's found on the top-right of your Account page. Copy this number, go to and paste it into the Drive ID field.

Driver/Customer ID

The next thing you will need is the Session ID. This can be found by going to your My Series Results page that's found under the Results & Stats menu.

Results and Stats menu

Choose the year and season, look for the race you had a result that you would like a certificate for, click on the results icon, and it will open up the full race results. At the top of the results page, you will find two long numbers next to Race Session.

Copy the second number and paste it into the Session ID field on Podium Papers, and then click the "Create Certificate" button.

Podium Papers main page

It can take a few seconds but it will eventually generate a certificate that you can then download as a good-quality PNG file that's perfect for printing.

Podium Papers Certificate

Final thoughts

Your first win in iRacing is, for most people, a special event, and it's nice to have something to remember it by. Grinding for twelve weeks and winning a championship in iRacing is also a special occasion, and getting a certificate for it makes it feel like an achievement. The default iRacing certificates look good, but we think the ones from Podium Papers look so much better.

It's a free service that currently only supports the downloading of complete certificates on Chrome and Edge. It also can make certificates from races that occurred many years ago and not just recent ones.

Not everyone feels the need to print out, frame and hang up iRacing certificates, but for those that do, there's

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