
Is this the best VR headset for sim racing?

Pimax announced their high-end Crystal VR headset on 31 May 2022, with a planned release date at the end of the same year. However, that didn't happen, and they eventually started shipping headsets a few days ago.


The headset is said to have unmatched visual clarity mainly due to its high 35 pixels per degree (PPD). The HP Reverb G2 for example, has a PPD of 24.

Main specifications:

Resolution: 2880x2880 pixel display

Refresh rate:90Hz/120Hz

Horizontal Field of View: 125°

Hardware Requirements

OSWindows 10/ Windows 11
GPUNVIDIA®️GeForce RTX 2070 and above
CPUintel i5-12500/ AMD R7-3700X and above
RAM16GB and above
VIDEO OUTPUT1 x DisplayPort 1.4
USB1 x USB-A 3.0 / 3.1
1 x USB-A 2.0 and above

Is it really good for sim racing?

Besides the high-quality display and high refresh rate, the Pimax Crystal is highly suited to sim racing due to its built-in cameras that negate the need for base stations, similar to the HP Reverb G2. This means you can use it without needing any external tracking devices.

The headset allows for a small amount of peripheral vision, where you can spot cars alongside you without the need to turn your head. This makes it incredibly immersive and can rival the effectiveness of triple-screen setups.

The downsides of this headset are the high price of $1599, excluding taxes and shipping and reliability/stability issues. There have been multiple reports of the headset having connectivity issues and visual glitches that seem to get fixed with firmware updates and some troubleshooting.

This excellent video from Boosted Media breaks down the good and bad points of the Pimax Crystal, specifically with regard to sim racing:

Final thoughts

We'd love to get our hands on a Pimax Crystal, but the price is way too high, and there are too many issues with it at the moment. However, we think these issues should be resolved over the next few months as Pimax slowly identifies the causes and releases fixes.

Pimax 8K Plus

Our plan is to wait for a refurbished unit to hit the official Pimax refurbishment store on eBay and hopefully buy one for a lot less money than $1599. For those of you who want a really good quality Pimax headset now at a relatively good price, then we suggest the Pimax 8K, refurbished with a 1-year warranty, that's being sold for $599.

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