
Our Top 5 Apps for Sim Racing

Racing sims by default can show you a large amount of data while driving that can give you vital information about the car, track, your race position etc but each sim does it differently. Also, despite having some form of customisation, each sim will have its good and bad points when it comes to how data is presented to the driver.

Third-party apps can fill this gap nicely by allowing you a variety of options to create a layout that gives you exactly what you need without anything that may distract you. Here's our list of five apps that we think will give you the edge on track:

Crew Chief

This app does not create any overlays or pretty graphics. What it does do though is act as your virtual crew chief/race engineer and give you vocal feedback on your race position, fuel usage, track temperature, lap countdown and a whole host of other information. It also supports a separate spotter voice to warn you if there's a car alongside you.

Crew Chief main interface

You can even use your microphone to talk directly to your crew chief and get a response back. This app is completely free but the developer does accept donations. The Crew Chief app is compatible with all major racing sims.

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