
Sim Racing Etiquette: Race Sessions

We previously wrote about what we consider good race etiquette during practice and qualifying sessions, and several of these tips also apply to race sessions.

Race starts

We covered race starts as part of our Practice article but didn't cover what you must do when things go wrong. For example, if you spin out during a race start, do not attempt to turn the car while the other cars pass you. Rather stop the car, wait for the field to pass you by, turn the car around, focus on catching the pack, and maybe recover to a decent position.

This minimises the chances of damaging your car and ruining someone else's race.

Mistakes during the race

If you spin during the race, hit a wall, or collide with another car, make sure it's safe to rejoin the track. Do not just launch the car back onto the circuit and assume that the other drivers can see you and take the necessary avoiding action.

Waiting to rejoin the track
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